Why Does Dortmund Have Two Stars on Their Badge?
With the UEFA Champions League final approaching, Borussia Dortmund's unexpected journey to the last stage, where they will face Europe's dominant force, Real Madrid, has sparked curiosity among fans. One common question is about the two stars on Dortmund's badge.
Many might assume the stars relate to the club's achievements, and they are correct, but there is a specific tradition in German football that explains this.
In Germany, stars are added to club badges based on the number of Bundesliga titles won. The system is as follows:
- One star is awarded for three championships.
- Two stars for five championships.
- Three stars for ten championships.
- Four stars for more than twenty championships.
Borussia Dortmund has won the Bundesliga five times (1994-95, 1995-96, 2001-02, 2010-11, and 2011-12), thus earning the right to display two stars on their badge. While the club has a strong history, they will need to win additional titles to add a third star.